Cinematography of Urban Madness - 2011
Pietro Reviglio

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Cinematography of Urban Madness - 2011
3'58'' video digitale Courtesy dell'artista
Cinematography. Doubt. Folly. Rationality and irrationality merging across the background of the New York metropolitan area. Cinematography of Urban Madness is a project of artistic contamination and synthesis betweencinematographic and photographic narrative. Focusing his attention on the image seen as a film still, Italian artist Pietro Reviglio recreates fragments of an imaginary screenplay revolving around the figure of an artist and his studio, a New York interior in which alienation intertwines with folly and tension gives way to violence. The project combines elements of photography, video and writing, to unveil the dark side of the artistic practice, its places, subjects and objects, mixing cinematographic fiction with autobiographical material. Through contrasting narrative and image, and eliminating all cause and effect relations, Reviglio recreates the scrambled structure of distorted thought, investigating the very process of visual narrative and challenging its canons.