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Nightlife in a puddle - 2010 
Fabio Scacchioli

Info su Fabio Scacchioli

film, video, installazioni

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Altre Opere

dead SEEquences
4'9'' 2010

The Big Picture
3'28'' 2011

Objets oubliés
16'36'' 2009

Nightlife in a puddle - 2010 
Fabio Scacchioli

Nightlife in a puddle - 2010
8'7'' super 8, DV Courtesy dell'artista

This is an hallucination after the storm. In 8mm, dark, lightning and disappearing scratched roads. Discovering that a village festivity is also possible in a puddle at night is both terrible and sublime.  Are the images that drown and disappear in memory, or are we drowning, while the images observe us from an unreachable time?

regia e montaggio: Fabio Scacchioli musica: Volcano The Bear