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Sublime 70 - 2012 
Flavio Sciolè

Info su Flavio Sciolè

FLAVIO SCIOLE’ (1970). Actor, director, performer. Italian-Croatian Stateless Anti-artist, for years now he has contributed to anti-theatrical research (with Teatro Ateo), anti-film experimentation and extreme performances. Mainly devoted to artistic deconstruction of any classical art, he finds his own reason for being in defragmentation and deconstruction acts. Iconoclastic as a ...

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Altre Opere

5'57'' 2007

D'assenzio m'assento - elogio decadente
3'55'' 2010

40'' 2006

Blood 70
2'19'' 2012

Art 4 Nothing
12'' 2007

Life is nothing: this is my life
3'16'' 2007

Requiem 70
3'39'' 2011

44'' 2010

God is out of order
2'47'' 2010

Sublime 70 - 2012 
Flavio Sciolè

Sublime 70 - 2012
3'12'' HD Courtesy dell'artista

SUBLIME 70 by FLAVIO SCIOLE’ Un sublime 70, un omaggio al 70 intriso di subliminali e rimandi seventy.

Progetto, antinterpretazione, sregia, smontaggio, filtrazioni, fotografia, suono: FLAVIO SCIOLE’ 3’12” HD 2012 Colore