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Exclave - 2010 
Simona Da Pozzo

Info su Simona Da Pozzo

I progetti che realizzo sono spesso di natura esplorativa e prendono forma sia in pochi giorni che in un arco di diversi anni. La mia è una ricerca transdisciplinare che sfocia nella produzione di situazioni, di interventi nello spazio pubblico e in spazi espositivi prevalentemente istituzionali. Sono stata coinvolta in diverse ...

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Altre Opere

Île 2
3'55'' 2006

Exclave - 2010 
Simona Da Pozzo

Exclave - 2010
2'25'' hd, color, stereo, France/Italy/Russia Courtesy dell'artista

Portable Grounds is an intervention about territory, identity and mobility: it acts as a compulsive reflex that pushes to transport, to have objects –or parts of them- with the idea to have a physical link with that we love, to despite distances. I toke a sample of ground at the Pôle Culturel Intercommunal (Pau, France). It's the Portable Ground 43º18’07.00 N 0º24’00.00 W on which I walked on while a year. I moved it bringing it on my shoulders in a transparent case: this bin re-contextualize continuously the Portable Ground to the passers-by’s ayes. During my stay in Moscow for “Qui vive?” 2nd Moscow International Biennale for Young Art (July 2010), I've created an "Ubiquity Access Points" in Moscow using the French Portable Ground as a pretext to exchange with inhabits: I involved the public of the Biennale to find a place where to instal this Portable Ground and to take a Russian one.

action and video by Simona Da Pozzo shots: Nicola Ciancio, Simona Da Pozzo, Daniele Vascelli, Claire Ubéda project realized thanks to: Le Bel Ordinaire, Les Abbatoirs, Pau II Moscow Bienail of Young Art Art Place Centre, Moscow Italian Cultural Institute, Moscow Associazione Italia-Russia, Milan