Piece for Two Bicycle Wheels, Two Guitars & Two Beamers - 2012
Sjoerd Leijten
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Piece for Two Bicycle Wheels, Two Guitars & Two Beamers - 2012
6'6'' DVD Courtesy dell'artista
A video preview of the first piece by the brand new duo good cop / naughty cop.
Piece for Two Bicycle Wheels, Two Guitars & Two Beamers is an electroacoustic improvisation duet. A little bicycle is standing upside down in a room. Two guitarists are standing behind the bicycle. The wheels of the bicycle are controlling the sound of their guitars and the images behind the guitarists. The guitarists have to spin the wheels to make themselves heard. The bicycle wheels open up new sound possibilities for the guitarists, but function also as hindering elements, since they are not able to play their guitars without the wheels spinning. Within this domain they improvise.
good cop / naughty cop consists of classical guitarist / bicycle repairman Zac Stibbs (AU,1983) and composer / musician Sjoerd Leijten(NL,1983). Using technology in conjunction with acoustic instruments they make open form electroacoustic music.
Video: Nick Leijten
Coding, sound design & guitar: Sjoerd Leijten
Guitar: Zac Stibbs