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In the Crow's Economy - 2010 
Eva Frapiccini

Info su Eva Frapiccini

Il focus del mio lavoro è decifrare il nesso tra reale e sua percezione, capire come si svolga questo processo di interiorizzazione dei fatti, attuali o storici. Anche il filtro che l'individuo crea rispetto allo spazio sociale e alla città, è un elemento fondante della ricerca. Spazio e tempo sono ...

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In the Crow's Economy - 2010 
Eva Frapiccini

In the Crow's Economy - 2010
3'20'' .mov 16/9 Courtesy dell'artista

An August Sunday morning like many others in a European city like many, a crow challenges a well-fed gull to a duel, the prize a desirable empty fish and chips box. It’s 11 a.m,the university area in Belfast is deserted,the few students who are still in town probably are still asleep in their rooms, sleeping through their hangovers. They are neither English or Irish, the majority of them would want to be defined as Northern-Irish. A generation from a Country that no longer wants to contrast the British power,or stir up battle, but that is slowly coming back to life; the fear of bombs replaced by the longing for entertainment.

Direction & Editing video by Eva Frapiccini