Painting Beside Itself - The Abstraction - 2013
Pierfabrizio Paradiso
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Painting Beside Itself - The Abstraction - 2013
12'34'' DVD Courtesy dell'artista
In "Painting beside itself" Paradiso divides the Everyday into the most important Theme of Painting: the Landscape, the Nature, the Portrait and the Fiction.
The filmic collection is composed from a series of daily moments in different urban environments, italian small towns as well as big cities like Milan, Rotterdam and Berlin.
Every time Pierfabrizio Paradiso is looking for an image, he tries to reset his usual way of looking. He translates in this case the value, the grammar and the composition of Painting into a tale of the Everyday within a research about the motion picture, or real images in motion. He concentrates on Details and he tries to shift the emphases.
This video archive is related with 2 quotes by Georges Perec and Martin Kippenberger, printed on two different PVC-Banners and hanged in another window of D21. The quotes reflect two different positions about the daily life, they express at once a sort of banality and a revaluation of the Everyday and the Art.
So the question related to the practices in contemporary art with the dailies takes a new meaning: What defines the everyday? And, are we able today to accept it, as it is?
(English translation of an excerpt from the official text by D21-Kunstraum Leipzig)